Nick Calabro About    Archive    Feed   

Hello, thank you for visiting, test. I run Calaboration where I make apps, websites, and more. Be sure to read about me for all the other links I reside at, watch my videos, or email me. I'm also a Community Leader at DuckDuckGo and I mentor at Thinkful. Hobbies include reading, politics, and theatre.

Tags: Blog | Tech | Keyboards | Productivity | Books

Life With Zero Notifications

Don’t let others dictate when you get things done and how effective you’ll be given certain times. You’re in control of the energy you put in to communication

Entities and Environments

Where you work and on which devices greatly impact how well and how timely you’re going to accomplish things. Discover how to use ambiance and certain devices to get more done.

Budget Your Time

If you feel you’re not spending your time effectively, you’re probably right. If time is money — treat them the same.