Nick Calabro About    Archive    Feed   

Hello, thank you for visiting, test. I run Calaboration where I make apps, websites, and more. Be sure to read about me for all the other links I reside at, watch my videos, or email me. I'm also a Community Leader at DuckDuckGo and I mentor at Thinkful. Hobbies include reading, politics, and theatre.

Tags: Blog | Tech | Keyboards | Productivity | Books

The Importance of the Inbox

Having a single trusted source that can handle any and all of your random thoughts, tasks, events, and even objects is the most powerful tool once its used properly: The Inbox.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich: Book Review

Wealth management, escaping debt, building wealth - these are all things that are essential to learn. Ramit Sethi goes about teaching you how to be rich in a great way.

Projects vs. Actions

Deciding between a single-action item and an entire, multifaceted project in your task manager isn't always as easy as it may seem.

Importance of Inbox Zero

First installment on a long series of posts regarding the greatest and worst thing in teh world – Email